‘Kids these Days’: Do People Even Read Anymore?
August 11, 2020
August 11, 2020
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We’ve heard it all before. ‘Back in my day, the encyclopedia was the only search engine we used for entertainment’. ‘In the old days, we didn’t have Spellcheck or Grammarly. We had a slap on the wrist for misplacing an apostrophe’. ‘You kids have no concept of the English vernacular. It’s just hashtags and memes that carry no significance in the real world’.

Often confused with Millennials or Generation Z, today’s digital natives are not yesterday’s MySpace users. They are a different breed, well-versed in the language of interconnectivity, talking into their Apple watches like secret agents featured in ‘Get Smart’. Swept into an unforgiving stereotype, Generation Alpha is scrutinised and criticised for belonging to an age of great privilege by octogenarians still learning how to navigate ‘the Facebook’.

Here’s What You Didn’t Know

Whilst this generalisation of online users doesn’t account for the disparity in access to facilities, technology and standardised education across the world, 59 per cent of the global population of the global population were actively using the internet in April this year. Of these online users, 50 per cent were below the age of 34. Taking a more nearsighted view at our land down under, Internet usage penetrated 88 per cent of the Australian population by January 2020. In the same ‘real world’ referred to in the above examples of tired rhetoric (see People who complain about millennials are really just complaining about being old), kids these days are making progress in areas of life that have been left unchanged and unchallenged for centuries. With more access to information, they are the envelope pushers like climate change activist Greta Thunberg campaigning for a better future than the one left for us by older generations. Sure, some TikTok sensations have questionable pastime activities but that’s beside the point. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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Raised in a media-saturated climate, Screenagers have been groomed to internalise advertising and marketing campaigns since birth. They are neither disconnected from the real world nor less inclined to read. They are simply proficient in languages of technology and social media unrecognisable to older cynics. For this reason, your material needs to be better than ever and your copywriting should be letter-perfect. So, on that note, we’ve put together a list of copywriting tenets that should guide your marketing strategy and help you reach an audience of all ages.

1. Your brand’s tone is the loudest part of its personality.

Copywriting is the voice your audience hears in their head when connecting with your content. It narrates the essence of your brand identity and defines how people perceive your business. Like other elements of your branding toolkit, copywriting is a powerful communicative asset that reaches your target audience directly – and can often be the difference between a lead and a loyal customer.

2. If you don’t want your brand to seem average, use exceptional copy.

Copywriting is essential to brand awareness, community management, social media marketing, customer acquisition and client retention – to name a few. When it comes to articulating your tone, vision, personality and values to the world, you simply can’t afford to compromise on professional writing. For this reason, every word used in your brand collateral or advertising campaigns needs to be as meticulously selected as your choice of typeface and logo design.

3. Don’t be fooled by casual social media etiquette. Every word counts.

For well-established businesses with active social media accounts and a healthy following base, articulating your brand’s tone and personality is critical to managing engagement and a positive brand image. A simple spelling error is an expense far too costly for a company in a saturated marketplace with a reputation to manage and the reality of multiple competitors. When you consider that people, on average, spend over 2 hours on social media a day, and the fact that other brands in your industry fighting for their attention, the importance of articulate community managers cannot be overstated. These creatives generate positive conversations around your brand, safeguard its reputation, minimise unwanted publicity, promote new products or services and position your company in an accessible and professional light.

4. It’s easier to destroy a reputation than build one.

On a predominately visual platform like Instagram, for example, too often content marketers and in-house brand managers make the costly mistake of taking copywriting lightly. In these cases, it is not uncommon to see poorly structured captions, inaccurate product descriptions, insensitive or explicit material or politicised content that polarises online communities. These are considerations that our copywriters internalise and weigh up when engaging with online users across the board on social media.

5. Brand guidelines are your survival guide to managing your company’s communications.

When it comes to business and website development, promotional campaigns and community engagement, a critical knack for the English vernacular is essential. Our copywriters adhere to the same brand guidelines as other creatives on the content production team to streamline a consistent tone and image across all communication channels. In this framework, brand-specific standards are outlined with ‘dos and don’ts’ that reflect the unique characteristics of that company, recognised as a primary building block for a successful marketing strategy. Creative content used in catalogues, digital advertising campaigns, billboard media, flyers and subscription newsletters is always structured with these principles in mind.

You’ve Come to the Right Place

Whether you need website content, product descriptions, blog articles, social media posts, company profile material or marketing communications like eDM, our creatives know the difference between storytelling and telling your story well. Personalise the sound of your brand with Picos and ensure that your message reads well and resonates with your targeted demographic. Let us focus on your vision, finesse its delivery and amplify your impact.


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