Caution: Don't Underestimate the Instagram Caption
February 24, 2020
February 24, 2020
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On a predominately visual platform like Instagram, how important is copywriting?

A creative agency is like a beehive. Its task force comprises a collective of devoted worker bees, collaborating to produce a premium result. All serving a unique purpose, these creatives represent experts in their respective fields or colonies. Of these individuals, copywriters play a crucial role in the delivery and execution of strategic marketing campaigns.

But in the digital landscape, especially on an explicitly visual platform like Instagram, how do the parameters of copy content vary? We know that a picture can tell 1,000 words and we also know that it's accompanying caption can either boost or undermine its impact. Generating four times more engagement than Facebook, this platform is used by 80 per cent of Instagrammers 'to decide whether to buy a product or service' (Sharelov 2019).

For brands with a healthy following and client base, one bad caption runs the risk of damaging a longstanding social-media empire. The result: social suicide and the waning of Insta influence. Not to mention, the copywriter responsible for this slip up has to answer to the big guy. Not ideal.

At Picos, we recognise the importance of social-specific copywriting. On Instagram, a caption accompanying product photography serves a unique function. Whereas, a Tweet introducing a promotional campaign or collaboration will differ invariably in its tone and structure. The value of skilled worker bees, with versatile vocabularies and writing styles, can therefore not be overstated. You don't ask your GP for relationship advice, nor do you expect him to empathise with your coffee addiction. That's because it's not what he's there for. In the same way, you don't get just anyone in media to write up product descriptions or captions. You get a wordsmith.

A professional writer can create an idea, personality and brand image with a few words. When it comes to generating traffic, online engagement or reinforcing brand values, the text accompanying a picture is often the determining factor. For this reason, copy is not to be taken lightly - especially on a visual platform like Instagram that relies on captions to contextualise an image. Use the power of written language to engage with your audience, humanise your brand and drive exposure.

Our writers are constantly typing away, working on new articles that inspire creativity and keep you informed. Stay tuned for your next bite-sized Picos think piece!


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